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I can't hear without my glasses 👓

Writer's picture: VixVix

I've made an appointment to go back to the audiology clinic to get my hearing aid sorted (I was turned away as my temperature was slightly high two weeks ago) and I spoke to someone (on loudspeaker with my husband hovering in case I struggled) on the phone and she reiterated that they have to wear the PPE equipment they have been issued with. I had a similar conversation with the audiology clinic two weeks previously. I asked how I was supposed to lipread if they all had cloth masks on and she said she would have to take it up with her head of department. I just don't understand why no one seems to have thought of this? Especially since they work in department that helps deaf and hard of hearing people, it should be a no-brainer surely?

A friend visited the audiology department in Bristol and no one wore clear masks which she struggled with and another friend went to Pembury hospital and had to explain why she was wearing a clear mask to her consultant.

I do appreciate though, that their hands are tied and they have to defer to the powers that be higher up. I've been under the care of the NHS because of my deafness for over 40 years now and they have always looked after me. Also, I'm so grateful that they have given me appointments so quickly as its had such a detrimental effect on me not being able to 'hear' people like I usually can. I feel it's such a shame that someone higher up hasn't had the foresight or sense to realise that facemasks do not work when dealing with people who are deaf, and what a huge difference clear facemasks would make. Not wanting to turn a positive into a negative, but equally not wanting to dilute the fact that it is ridiculous that they don't understand, and that no one has thought it through what a huge difference clear face masks would make!

Looking at the website, 11 million people in the UK are deaf or hard of hearing. Can you imagine how many people are feeling isolated right now? A simple thing like wearing a mask has huge implications. I'm still finding it difficult to adjust to all this mask wearing, it is still very isolating and it puts extra pressure on my wonderful husband who is having to go to certain places I would have gone before lockdown. It knocks your confidence too, I'm finding that I feel anxious a lot of the time - I've stopped work zoom calls until I get my hearing aid sorted but even then I know I'll be worrying about accessibility. I'm wondering if I'll find myself in situations which warrant face masks, what will I do then? it's almost easier to stay at home.

Dentists wear masks all the time. When I've taken the kids, I've always explained to the dentist that I lipread and they're always very happy to lower their mask so I can understand them. My dad got a message the other day from his dentist telling them about an exciting development. You can now take photos of your mouth on your mobile phone, send them to your dentist and he will tell you what is wrong! So only people with smart phones and the dexterity to manage the technology can get seen by a dentist, who will then be wearing a mask......

My husband is taking our cat to the vet for her annual check up this week as we are unsure whether we have to wear masks - the chances are, the vet will, so my husband is going instead of me.

If you get your nails done in a salon, they wear masks, but I haven't had my nails done in years so that's not a problem for me!

My boys and husband are off to the barbers today and they have been told it's compulsory to wear masks.

I have an appointment with my hairdresser at the end of the month but I've always sat down with them at the beginning of my appointment, explained what I wanted and then I've taken my hearing aids out and glasses off and if they need to ask me anything, they gesticulate with their hands or they wait patiently for me to pop one hearing aid back in and my glasses back on. It sounds weird but I really can't hear without my glasses!! (Need to have clear vision for lipreading - mask free obviously!) I'm happiest though when I'm in my silent world reading a trashy mag and drinking a cup of tea while my hair is getting a pampering - it's bliss!

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Oct 01, 2020

I love your writings. I met your Mum through the IOW Genealogical Society. We are a DNA match so are distant cousins. I live in the US. I have a daughter who has been a sign language interpreter for over 30 years. M y husband has worn hearing aids for the last 23 years. I am somewhat familiar with the hearing impaired world. you have really enlightened me with your writings and the struggles you face especially during this crazy pandemic.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May so I can certainly relate to some of your problems in health care facilities. For me though it is temporary unlike you who has had to deal with this your entire…


Jul 08, 2020

Well done Vicky. Keep it up. Is it possible to send it to the audiology department? or would it be counter productive?

I wonder if there is a way to contact one of the makers of PPE to suggest that a clear face mask for the general public could be a very lucrative side line. I would certainly buy one in preference to the cloth/paper one. With computer technology there must be a way of making someone sit up and see the possibility!

Love you xxx


Jul 08, 2020

I'm still shocked that people who work in an audiology department at hospitals - and anywhere else for that matter - haven't thought about this! Enjoy your hair when you get to the hairdressers though 😊 xxx


Jul 08, 2020

Wow, the struggles you have everyday, things that us hearing people take for granted. Another amazing look into your life. Keep it up Vix xx

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